The evolution of my workshop so far.
I've always kind of tinkered with things I had and have been taking stuff apart my whole life, but about two years ago i decided I wanted to build stuff. I didnt know what, I just knew I loved creating things. Working in my rented half of a garage, This is a short photo diary of my workshop so far.
I started out with some borrowed tools from my dad, a bench top table saw, miter saw, and a sander. |
I bought a router and received a slightly upgraded table saw and a vacuum(from Bino). I was quickly accumulating a lot of stuff started trying to create some tool and wood storage solutions using cheap materials, mostly pine studs and MDF. |
Made a shelf and some hangers for my motorcycle gear, also I had just finished making my frankenspeakers and was working on ripping stock wood out of pine studs to prototype with. |
I made a bike storage hook (this picture doesnt show it but ill link to it later) with my new harbor freight band saw, and some more shelving. |
More new shelving, a small rotating work table, and a jimmyrigged dust extraction unit for my table saw(which saved my life btw), and panel ripping/cutting extensions for my table saw |
Things kind of make a leap forward at this point I made a wall-mounted work table to fix my vice and drill press to(later added floor mounts for stability), and a tall freestanding shelf for projects and tools and junk. |
A compressor is added to my inventory(thanks dad) a Wunderwinder(which I highly recommend) more and more storage |
After learning how to weld I turned an old bed frame into shelves(on the right) bought a newish but broken table saw(which I am currently regretting as I havn't managed to fix it yet and it just lays there and looks at me sadly) |
New shelving in the middle out of angle iron and scrap speaker plywood, has more shelves and aren't as deep(so I don't lose all my crap) |
Magnetic tool storage on the left worked well in the spring but as summer progress my tools would fall down one by one while I worked because hot glue wasn't made for Arizona summers |